"Put Off, Put On" // Col. 3:1-4:1
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Intro: “Who has worked a job where they were required to wear a uniform?”
Military, law enforcement, even a fast food chain:
Once that uniform goes on, the demands and expectations placed on you change.
Illus.: Citadel - I put on the uniform, and they always told us, your new last name is “The Citadel”
Main Idea: Faith in Jesus requires us to put off our old lifestyle and put on loving, Christlike hearts.
Main Idea: Faith in Jesus requires us to put off our old lifestyle and put on loving, Christlike hearts.
1. Put off worldly thinking, and put on a heavenly mind (v. 1-7)
1. Put off worldly thinking, and put on a heavenly mind (v. 1-7)
Raised vs. died (v. 1, 3)
We have been raised to walk in the newness of life because we have died to our sin.
Our life is hidden in Christ:
For our lives to be hidden in him, not only positions us in Christ, but also positions Christ in us. We have died with Christ, yet by faith we continue to live through Christ’s abiding presence in hope of his promised return. Paul clarifies that Christ “is [our] life,” and that which is “hidden” will appear. And when Christ “appears,” we also “will appear with him.” - Pace
Christians then can’t live “any old way”
When we put on Christ, we must begin to live like Jesus
2. Put off divisiveness, and put on compassionate, loving hearts (v. 8-16)
2. Put off divisiveness, and put on compassionate, loving hearts (v. 8-16)
“From the heart, the mouth speaks”
a. Selfishness creates division (v. 8-9a)
The misplaced desires in the heart give way to unjust living, feelings, and speech towards others.
b. Love creates unity (v. 9b-16)
“God has planned a new creation - a new heaven and a new earth. Unlike the first creation, where he first made the place and afterwards the people to live there, in the new creation, he is first making the people and afterwards the place where they will live.” - Gentry and Wellum
v. 11 - Jesus is the common denominator that unites all people regardless of background, status, personal history.
He levels the playing field and demands that we live according to the way He calls us to live (v. 12-15)
The way He calls us to live should every area of our life:
3. Put off self-service, and put on sacrificial service (v. 3:17-4:1)
3. Put off self-service, and put on sacrificial service (v. 3:17-4:1)
a. In your home (v. 17-21)
b. In your work (v. 3:25-4:1)